Cardinal Burke: Vatican’s Global Pact for ‘New Humanism’ Promotes One-World Government, Opposes Christ’s Kingship...


These Last Days News - January 6, 2020

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"It is in the direction of the Eternal Father that you remove from your country the forces of satan now running rampant in the grouping you call the United Nations.

"You must as a nation take yourself away from this group of satan. You have opened your doors to the enemies of God! These enemies do not defend you, but they wait to pounce upon you like vultures! They are bringing you down to your knees now, My children. Like vultures, they will await their time."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, September 13, 1974


"My children of the world, you stand now upon a hill, a hill that you have built upon humanistic values and materialistic manners, as you sought to build a world of your own, cutting off the light, and building a utopia, built with humanism and socialism, and communism—all under the heading of love and brotherhood, but covered with a blanket of darkness of the spirit. For this, the Eternal Father has allowed you to pursue your own course. The awakening shall come in shock to many."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Jesus, November 20, 1979


"The agents of 666 now are loosed in Rome and have entered into the highest places of the hierarchy. It will be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, till all that remains will come forward out of the cleansing."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Jesus, July 25, 1977

“Rome will lose the faith and will become the seat of Antichrist.”

– The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of La Salette, September 19, 1846

"Without the number of prayers needed to balance the scale and acts of reparation from the children of earth, there will be placed upon the Seat of Peter one who will put and place souls and the House of God into deep darkness."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, March 18, 1974

The above Messages from Our Lord and Our Lady were given to Veronica Lueken at Bayside, New York. reported on January 3, 2020:

by By Pete Baklinski

Cardinal Raymond Burke is calling on faithful Catholics to “stand up and give witness to the truth” of Jesus Christ’s Kingship in the face of the rise of Islam as well as the Vatican’s push for a "global pact" that will, in the words of Pope Francis, “create a new humanism.”

The cardinal, who is the patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Prefect Emeritus of the Vatican's highest court (known as the Apostolic Signatura), was asked by The Wanderer in a wide-ranging interview published Dec. 26 to comment on Pope Francis hosting an event at the Vatican in May 2020 with the theme “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance.”

The Wanderer asked the following question: “In launching the initiative, the Holy Father said: ‘A global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism.’ What is the impetus behind this meeting and what is likely to be accomplished? It sounds like an event to promote a one-world government.”

Burke replied: “It is. All of these things are connected. With the spread of Islam, especially in Europe but also in the United States, there is an effort to dull people’s consciousness about the Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ as it is proclaimed in the Gospel. This is an area where the faithful must especially stand up and give witness to the truth.”

“It is my understanding that there are other initiatives that are attempting to teach the Abu Dhabi document in schools. This is troubling. It is similar to what happened in the whole area of sex education in recent generations,” he added.

It was in September that Pope Francis announced he will be hosting in 2020 an initiative for a “global pact” to “create a new humanism.”

According to a Vatican statement issued at that time, the Pope invited representatives of the main religions, international organizations and various humanitarian institutions, as well as key figures from the world of politics, economics and academia, and prominent athletes, scientists and sociologists to sign a “Global Pact on Education” so as to “hand on to younger generations a united and fraternal common home.”

“This,” said the Pope in a video message to launch the initiative, “will result in men and women who are open, responsible, prepared to listen, dialogue and reflect with others, and capable of weaving relationships with families, between generations, and with civil society, and thus to create a new humanism.”

Quoting one of Hillary Clinton’s favorite sayings, “It takes a village to raise a child,” Pope Francis asserted the need to create an “educational village,” in which “all people, according to their respective roles, share the task of forming a network of open, human relationships.”

The Pope continued in his message that in order to reach these “global objectives,” as an “educating village” we must “have the courage to place the human person at the center.”

Commenting on this, Mother Miriam, foundress of the religious community Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel's Hope, said on her Sept. 16, 2019, podcast that such an educational village would “once and for all destroy the family and the human race.”

“The Pope said that in order to reach these global objectives as an educating village, we must ‘have the courage to place the human person at the centre.’ Isn't that what is wrong with our world today? Instead of placing Christ at the centre, we place man at the center,” she said.

“Some of these words sound very nice. And the demon appears as an ‘angel of light.’ Am I saying the Pope is demonic? No. I’m saying what he’s proposing is demonic,” she added elsewhere in her podcast.

It was also during the Pope’s announcement of the “global pact” that he referenced the “Document on Human Fraternity and World Peace for Living Together” which he signed with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar in Abu Dhabi in February, 2019. The Abu Dhabi document caused controversy for stating, among other things, that the “diversity of religions” is “willed by God.”

In his interview with The Wanderer, Cardinal Burke criticized the notion of a one-world government.

“The idea of a one-world government is fundamentally the same phenomenon that was displayed by the builders of the Tower of Babel who presumed to exercise the power of God on earth to unite heaven with earth, which is simply incorrect,” he said.

“What we truly need is a religious conversion, in other words, a strong teaching and practice of faith in God and obedience to the order with which He has created us,” he added.

"There will be an uncanonically elected pope who will cause a great schism, there will be diverse thoughts preached which will cause many, even those in the different orders to doubt, yea, even agree with those heretics which will cause my Order to divide, then will there be such universal dissensions and persecutions that if those days were not shortened even the elect would be lost."

- St. Francis of Assisi (The Reign of Antichrist, Fr. R. Gerald Culleton)

THE GODLESS United Nations...

Veronica - I see the floor in the chamber of the League of Nations, but I do not see faces behind the desks. I see serpents, their tongues lashing out in every direction.

Our Lady - "Where is the godhead in this group? What is their true purpose, as they play with the lives of millions? Liars, sent by the father of all liars! Trust not in the ways of man, but place your full trust in your God."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, December 31, 1970


"All who have given themselves to the pleasures of the flesh, all who have given themselves to the new modes of humanism and modernism set down for ensnarement of the human race by satan, all those who close their ears to Our voices, shall burn!"

- The Bayside Prophecies

Jesus, May 28, 1975


"Your world, mankind, is now developing into a one-world government and a one-world religion that will cast aside My Son. Woe, I say unto you, as I cried before, that unless you pray, unless you act now, 666 shall entrench himself in Rome, the Eternal City of Rome, and then it shall become the seat of the antichrist forces. My children, remove the blindness from your hearts and your eyes. Can you not recognize what is happening?

"I cry bitter tears of sorrow. I ask all My children to save My Son's House, His Church upon earth. And how may this be accomplished? By prayer, My children; by good example; constructive criticism. You cannot give full confidence to satan or his agents. You cannot expect another to take your part in this battle of the spirits. Each and every one of conscionable age must now go forward as a bearer of truth and light. These days, My children, are the days that had been spoken of and written of by the prophets of old."

- The Bayside Prophecies

Our Lady of the Roses, December 7, 1977


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